Sunday, August 30, 2009

8/30/09 - Moving to a bigger room!

I just got the good news from my nurse. My chicken pox is gone with only traces of the rashes left so I am no longer a threat to other patients. It is no longer necessary to keep me in the isolation room, and the bigger room is available - would I like to move to the bigger room? Yes! Yes! Yes! It's just perfect timing that the bigger room that I like is available! Thank you, Lord!

My white blood cells inched up to 0.8 today, and the hemoglobin is holding steady. The fever has not returned. So far, positive signs for potentially going home sometime next week.

I had another beautiful day. I got to spend much time with my family this afternoon - without masks and just enjoying each other's company. I now have a greater appreciation for people and events that I normally take for granted. That, in itself is a blessing. Having my sister in town to help us out is a also tremendous blessing.

Last night, as I reflect on the weeks of my stay in the hospital, it occurred to me that I was happier and more at peace the last few weeks than I have been during some periods in my life when everything was okay. I thought that it was strange and ironic, but then I realized that it is often how we view things rather than the actual events in our lives that determine our happiness and contentment in life. Fortunately for me, at this time in my life when I need it most, and through the prayers of many people, I can truly say that I have joy in my heart and I am experiencing the peace of God that surpasses human understanding. In the stillness of the night, I enjoy some of the sweetest moments with my Savior and my God. And I sleep peacefully in the palm of His hands where He holds me safe in the eye of the storm.

My family is also adjusting well to the situation, thanks to all your prayers. Thank you all for praying not just for my physical healing, but also for the spiritual and emotional health of my family. Please continue to pray for us. The journey is still long. Please do not get tired of praying for us. May God bless you all.


  1. Psalm 145:17-21

    The Lord is righteous in all His ways
    and loving toward all He has made.
    The Lord is near to all who call on Him,
    to all who call on Him in truth.
    He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him;
    He hears their cry and saves them.
    The Lord watches over all who love Him,
    but all the wicked He will destroy.
    My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.
    Let every creature praise His holy name
    forever and ever.


  2. Lamentations 3:22-23

    Because of the Lord's great love
    we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.

    They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.


  3. Peace is a place
    A harbor safe
    For riding out the storms
    For each, there's a grace
    A strong embrace
    The comfort of the Lord
    He's ordained the paths we take
    What Father would His child forsake
    Emmanuel,God is with us
    All is well

    In God, I have assurance
    His nearness is my good
    And my confidence is knowing
    in His will
    All is well......

    This is just a part of the lyrics of a song sung by Steve Greene,that I would want to share with you. I alwys love His songs. I hope you like it. For the spirit of the Lord is with you. -Di tzi

  4. Howdy from Texas...auntie Valerie,

    Shared your concerns with my care group and we are praying. God is indeed gracious to surround you with much love as well as the His peace to you. I am so encouraged by you sharing your journey with the rest of us...may it be a testimony of God's graciousness and lovingkindness to all of us. Praise God!


  5. hi gochi were so glad to hear that your getting better each day.,the kids follow up your news everyday and we never forget to pray for you. Stay happy and strong.Say hi to the kids and Robert and Verna too.Take care.

  6. your courage and faith are inspiring. truly God's channel of love..May He continue to bless and guide you and your family..

  7. Achie & Di-Tzi, thanks for your encouragement.

    Howdy, Cherith! Your mom told me that you and your care group are praying for me when your parents came to visit. Thank you so much! That was so kind of you all!

    Jeanne, thanks for all your prayers. I love you all! Looking forward to our next visit. Will say hi to Rob, Verna and the kids.

    Malou, thank you for your prayers. May God continue to bless you and Rakkii!

    - Val
