Monday, August 2, 2010

8/2/2010 - Almost There

I had high-dose chemo the last two days. Boy, they wiped me out! I was sleeping most of both days. I still feel nauseous because of the chemo, so my appetite is gone. The doctor will have food given to me via IV starting tonight. This is quite common, because most people cannot keep the food down after going through all the stuff I've been through.

I still feel tired now, but I had to force myself out of bed. Apparently, it is not good to be in bed all the time. I just wanted to stay in bed and play on my cell phone. But, I had to force myself out of bed to do some mild exercises so I can get more oxygen to flow through my body. I generally feel better after doing some exercise.

I am now a walking pharmacy. I have more medication going through my body than food. There are a couple of antibiotics, anti-fungal, heparin, IV fluids, immune suppressants, medication to protect my kidney and to protect my mouth and GI tract. And once in a while, I also get platelets and blood as needed.

I'm back to my G.I. Jane look. It took nine months to grow my hair to an acceptable length and now it's back to nothing. At least, this time, Rob didn't have to shave it off. The hospital had a professional come do it for me. I am continually amazed at the breadth of care they provide at this hospital. It doesn't matter to me at this time that I have no hair. It's not like I'm not going anywhere soon. I will most likely be here until mid-September. After that, I will just be holed up at home except for short trips to the grocery or pharmacy. By the time I can freely go anywhere without a mask, my hair might have grown back.

In spite of what I am going through, I am still thankful that things are as good as they are. The doctor is always pleased that I am doing as well as I am. They also gave me a medal for completing the 11 rounds of radiation. Nice touch.

Please pray that my body will be ready to receive the new stem cells on Wednesday with minimal rejection. Please also pray that the doctors and nurses will have the wisdom to give me the best care. Once again, please pray that my family and I will continue to be positive and happy throughout this challenge.

Thank you very much for your prayers and may God continue to bless you and your family.


  1. I have faith that you
    will find amazing strength to carry you through! I'm willing to bet, you have people all over God's earth who are praying for you!
    May you and your family see all the blessing and find the strength to get through this!
    Now, hurry up and get better so you can start on the book you have to write! God Bless!! =)
