Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/10/09 - Not Home Yet

I prayed really hard last night that I may be able to go home today. My blood was drawn at 5am. The doctor came at 7am and said that although my ANC went up to 700, it is not high enough to send me home (1000 is the magic number). I had a biopsy this morning. I was given morphine to numb the pain, so it was not so painful. Now, I only feel the discomfort of the bruise. It takes a couple of days for it to go away.

I would have liked to go home today, but God has something better for me. I do not know exactly why He did not let me go home today, but I can think of a few reasons why it may be better for me to have a biopsy than to go home. The nice thing about having a loving God is the assurance that He only has my best interest at heart. He will not give me anything that is not going to be good for me, even if I keep asking for it. Would a parent give a child a knife to play with even if he begged for it with tears?

The morphine knocked me out the whole morning, so I had a very short day today. My family was disappointed that I won't be coming home, but they understand that it is best for me to stay. They came for a short visit this evening. Ellie got more gifts from her godmother. She also got the Zhu Zhu pet she's been eagerly waiting for. She is one happy girl.

The girls had their first day of school. Katie was happy to see her old friends and Ellie also saw some of her old friends, but was most happy see her teacher. She really likes her kindergarten teacher who's now their first grade teacher. Robert dropped them off in the morning and my sister picked them up after school. Once again, I am so glad to have my sister here to help us out during this time. She is a tremendous help and a huge blessing to our family.

We will know the result of the biopsy tomorrow afternoon. If the result shows that there are no bad cells, I will be given a shot to speed up the cell production and I can go home this weekend. Otherwise, I will be given another round of chemo. Our hope is that the biopsy will show only good cells so that I can go home soon.

That's all for today. Please pray that the results of the biopsy will be good, so that I can go home soon. Thank you all for your prayers and may God bless you all!


  1. Psalm 125:1

    Those who trust in the LORD
    are like Mount Zion,
    which cannot be shaken,
    but endures forever.

    Psalm 119:49-50

    Remember Your word to your servant,
    for you have given me hope.
    My comfort in my suffering is this:
    Your promise preserves my life.

    Psalm 77:13-15

    Your ways, O God, are holy.
    What god is so great as our God?
    You are the God who performs miracles;
    You display Your power among the people.
    With Your mighty arm
    You redeemed Your people ...


  2. "Your promise preserves my life." I'm glad we have the psalmists who testified about the goodness of our God. We can entrust our dear life to the hands of the mighty God and witness His goodness in the land of the living.
