Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9/15/09 - Day of Rest

After the busy day yesterday, I got a little concerned when I realized that I might have overdone it. I spent most of the day sleeping and relaxing just to recover from the last few days' lack of sleep and activities. I shall keep this short for today and get some more rest.

Thank you for your prayers and God bless you all!


  1. Hi Val,

    Here's one for you while you'rr resting:


    Click on the topic "Finding strength for the Journey"

    Worship is great but you can skip to the message directly.

    It blessed me a lot....Vic

  2. Hi Val,

    Glad you're resting.
    With your blog update today, less is definitely more. :)


  3. Val,

    This is my prayer for you today...

    Heavenly Father, giver of life and health, comfort and relieve your sick servant, Val, and give your power of healing to those who minister to her needs, that she may be strengthened in her weakness and have confidence in your loving care; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  4. Hi Val,

    Take it easy now...

    Raymond & Pinky

  5. Vic, thanks. I'll check it out.

    Rene, I agree. Thanks!

    Lui, thanks for the beautiful prayer.

    Raymond and Pinky, I'm taking it easy now - don't want to make things worse for myself. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. Dearest Valerie,

    Even the Creator rested after doing so much--so much that man has not fathomed completely the details after so many centuries.

    You need not accomplish as much to rest. Your body needs rest. Your mind needs rest. We, your friends, need you sound. So, rest.

    God love you always, dearly, dear friend.

    Joe Guerrero

  7. My dearest friend,

    I finally saw your blog. Better late now, than later.

    I have also opened a Google account, so that I can dialogue with you on your blog, which has a very apt name--Val's adventure. How true! You are on an adventure of grace. We who love you are with you in this adventure. May the good God guide us in this odyssey.

    Take good care! We care for you dearly.

    Joe Guerrero

  8. Yes, Joe, I'm listening to my body and taking it easy now.

    I didn't realize you have to open a Google account to write in my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience. I didn't know much about blogging except opening an account and typing away.

    Thank you so much for your prayers and words of encouragement. Please send my regards and thanks to Charlotte.

  9. I cannot find a recent blog from Val.... anyone know why? Val, if youre readus all know how you areing this, please let . Prayers and good energy are sent your way! God bless!
