Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7/21/2010 – Relief

As most people in the US are getting relief from heat waves across the nation, I have my own share of relief. Not from the seething weather outside, though. The weather in my room is a constant 71 degrees. The relief I got was from the biopsy result. The liver biopsy came out clean! Whew! I am so happy to hear that from the doctor just now. I was not sure how I would react if the result came out bad. Thank God it was good.

I have been feeling lazy and blah the last few days. I was feeling fine earlier on, even learned to play a few pieces on the harp. I think it all started after my radiology consultation. They told me about all the potential risks and side effects of radiation. Then, the nurse coordinator for my transplant also told me about what to expect with the transplant – not many good things. Then, the doctor wanted to have a biopsy of my liver. It was all too overwhelming.

Now that I think about it, I might have also been mourning the end of my somewhat carefree life. In a few short days, I will be physically prepared to have the transplant. This includes giving me various medications to manage side effects and prevent Graft Versus Host Diseas (GVHD), 4 days of radiation and 3 days of intense chemotherapy. Mouth sores and GI tract problems are to be expected, I was warned by the nurse coordinator. Yikes! Then, comes the transplant.

The transplant is tentatively scheduled for August 5. My life will not be the same again after that. I have lived a relatively carefree life. I enjoyed much of what life had to offer without worrying about my health. This changed somewhat last year, after having Leukemia. After the transplant, this carefree attitude may be replaced by paranoia. With the prospect of having cataract, thyroid and lung problems, leukemia relapse, secondary forms of cancer, liver and kidney problems, all due to the treatments received for and during transplant, I will have to figure out how I can live the rest of my life responsibly without being overly cautious to the point of not enjoying life anymore. Life is too short not to make the most of it and enjoy it as best we can. I guess I will have to learn as I go.

With the good news from the doctor, I am feeling better already. We’re expecting to receive the donor clearance tomorrow. Then, they will finalize my schedule. I am bracing myself for the regimen I will be going through in the coming weeks. I was advised to load up on protein, because it is the building block for cellular growth - learning something new everyday!

I will post my treatment schedule once it is official. Please do continue to pray for me. I need your prayers now more than ever. The BMT is going to be very intense, with many potential side effects and many risks involved. Please pray that my body will be able to tolerate the medications and treatments well, and that there will be minimal side effects and GVHD. Please also pray that my family and I will continue to be happy and have a positive attitude throughout the whole process, and may we be given extra strength, faith, grace and mercy throughout these coming weeks.

Thank you again for your prayers and may God continue to bless you and your family.

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