Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09 - Going home this weekend

The numbers went up today, but the ANC was 0.9 - still not good enough. The biopsy results were good, so I got my Neupogen shot. This was supposed to speed up my cell production and make all the numbers go up quickly. I will have another one tomorrow, so I will be discharged either tomorrow or Sunday, at the latest. Woohoo!

This is one instance when I am really glad I have fat in my body. The Neupogen shot had to be given through the skin. The fluid is thick so the nurse offered to give the shot either on the arm or the tummy. One of the nurses I befriended here happened to visit me when I was about to be given the shot. She advised me to take it on the tummy, because it is less painful. She also suggested picking the fattier portion of the tummy. Apparently, the fluid goes in more easily if it passes through fattier portions of the body. Looking for fat in my tummy is certainly not a problem for me! In moments like these, I realize that there are some advantages in having fat. I will try not to use it as another excuse not to exercise, but it may be tough. :-)

My family was very happy to know that I will be going home this weekend. My kids asked if it is for certain this time, and I am glad to let them know that we're sure it will be this weekend. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon, but Sunday at the latest. We're all very excited about it.

I better get ready for bed now. Tomorrow will be a busy day if I will be discharged: getting my second Neupogen shot, final packing, getting pages of instructions on what to do and what to watch out for when I'm at home, and papers to sign.

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support, and may God bless you all!


  1. Yehey, I'm cheering you on!

  2. Psalm 9:1-2

    I will praise You, O LORD, with all my heart;
    I will tell of all your wonders.

    I will be glad and rejoice in You;
    I will sing praise to Your name,
    O Most High.

    Psalm 66:8-10

    Praise our God, O peoples,
    Let the sound of His praise be heard.
    He has preserved our lives
    And kept our feet from slipping.

    For You, O God, tested us;
    You refined us like silver.

    Psalm 66:20

    Praise be to God,
    who has not rejected my prayer
    or withheld His love from me!


  3. Hey Go-e,

    So glad to hear that you're seeing the good side in the bad side. I enjoyed reading a bit about the fatty portion being utilized to lessen the pain of the injection there. :) Good stuff.

    Also glad to hear that you'd home this weekend. :)

    We're still praying for you. :) Please, stay strong! :)

    Hugs, Meah and family (response written by Hazel on behalf of the entire family here)

  4. "Everything works together for good..." and that includes fats :-)
    I'm really happy that you'll be home soon. Keep looking up....Vic

  5. good news indeed...wohoo...God is great.

  6. Mitch, did you do the happy dance? I did. Glad nobody saw it. :-)

    Mary Ann, thanks! I can just imagine you going rah! rah! rah! siz boom bah! That should help cheer me up when I'm feeling down.

    Achie, thanks again for the timely and beautiful verses.

    Hazel, Meah and family, thank you for your prayers. Hope you're adjusting well to your new place.

    Vic, that's true. Really glad I didn't do a tummy tuck :-) God only gives us good things, and that includes fat. Glad to have them.

    Malou, ang galing ano? God is really great!
