Saturday, September 5, 2009

9/5/09 - Up and down

My ANCs went back down to 400, although my white cell count went up to 1.7. Hemoglobin also went down a bit to 7.7. So, I'm kind of back to where I was yesterday. The oncologist covering for my oncologist during the long weekend now wants to see my hemoglobin go up to 9 before letting me go home. Another hurdle?! Oh well, he is a more experienced oncologist, so maybe he just wants to be on the safe side. Oh well, I will go home one of these days, just don't know which day yet - in God's time.

I got a nice surprise visit from my friend Sandy and her family today. This is one friendship that grew out of adversity. We didn't know each other well until 2 adversities brought us together. One years ago concerning our mutual friend, and now my situation. With adversity also comes blessings in many different forms. We just need to be aware of them. I've had many blessings of friendships that came out of my sickness. Another blessing today is the yummy food and gifts for the kids and me - it's like Christmas! Thanks, Sandy! Malou and Rakkii, thanks for your gift, too! Food paradise, here I come.

I also got a nice, long visit from my family. We enjoyed some food together, and snuggled up to watched some TV together - felt almost like home. Doing some of the "rituals" or little nothings we do at home help us enjoy the short time we have together each day. I am glad the girls are adjusting so well to the situation. It makes it a lot easier for Rob and I.

That's it for the day. Please continue to pray that my blood count, especially ANCs would go up faster (1000 is the magic number), and that the hemoglobin will also go up to 9. Please also continue to pray that my family and I will continue to adjust well to the situation. Thank you very much for your prayers and may God bless you all!


  1. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is Yours (1 Chronicles 29:11). We lift up Val to You and thank You, Lord, that You are her Healer and that You are able to increase her ANC to 1000, and that her hemoglobin will also go up to 9. We pray also that her family will continue to adjust well to their situation. O Lord, You said all things are possible with You (Mark 10:27). Heal her that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah, the prophet saying : He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matthew 8:17), You suffered, died, and were buried for all of us so that we might have healing, forgiveness, and eternal life. By Your stripes, we are healed (1Peter 2:24). Heal Val, O Lord, and she will be healed (Jeremiah 17:14). Thank you, Lord, for Your grace and mercy. In Jesus Christ we pray, Amen.


  2. Achie, thank you for the beautiful prayer.

  3. amen to that prayer!
    Hi! go-e this is moritz, jamie just sent me this link to your blog page and i am truly thankful that you are still holding strong with your faith in God. never forget "that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"(romans 8:28) and always remmember that everything will work out in His perfect time not in our time.
    so just pray continually be rest assured that you will always be in our prayers. we love you and may God continue to work in you that you may be a living testimony to others through your faith in God.

    "God doesn't give us trials in life that we cannot bare,it is so that we can overcome them to make us stronger"

    God bless and get well soon!

    -MORITZ(your cutest cuz bwahhaha....)

  4. Mortiz,

    It is so nice to hear from you! Thanks for your constant prayers and words of encouragement. Please send my heartfelt thanks and love to your family. Yes, you are the cutest!

    Go-e (your cutest aunt. bwahhaha...)
