Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/20/09 - Enjoying Family Time

Now that I am home, I am spending a lot of time with the family. As you can imagine, we missed each other a lot, so we tend to do many more things together at home. Yesterday, we celebrated Ellie's birthday again with a round of miniature golf and ice cream. This was to make up for missing the roller skating celebration. We're finally done celebrating Ellie's birthday. It was fun for all of us. Considering how simple the celebrations are, it actually made her feel extra-special because it ran for many weeks. Maybe we should do this more often - celebrate life more often in simple ways rather than waiting for big celebrations.

As you know, my sister is here from Manila to help us out, so I also spend time catching up with her and just enjoying her company. I try to get more rest during the day and go to bed earlier. In the meantime, I also try to make heads and tails out of all the insurance statements and match them against invoices from healthcare providers. This took much time during the first few days at home. I also try to help with things around the house to give my sister and my husband a hand so they don't get worn out. Don't worry, I try not to overdo it, and has been successful most days. I know I can no longer be Superwoman. Now I am content being Wonder Woman - wondering what I will do next and wondering how much I can handle.

I hope you understand why I will not be posting to my blog everyday anymore. There's not much news these days anyway. However, I will continue to keep you posted on developments on my end.

This week will be a bit busy for me. I will get a Neupogen shot on Monday and Tuesday, then a blood test and biopsy on Thursday or Friday.

Please continue to pray for the recovery of my bone marrow, and that it will continue to produce only good cells. Also please continue to pray for me and my family, that we will persevere and remain happy as we go through this journey.

Thank you for your continued prayers and may God bless you all!


  1. Hi, Wonder Woman :-) I'm glad you're enjoying the family time. Thank you for reminding me to celebrate life more often in simple ways. We had free movie and pop corn in the park last night. Although we already saw the movie several times before, it was the experience of sitting/lying in the grass under the starry sky with my wife and kid that made the difference. What a joy to behold the beauty of God's creation. Psalm 19 comes to mind:

    1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
    2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
    night after night they display knowledge.

    Celebrate each day for it's a gift. Keep looking up. There's a group praying for you here in Sacramento...Vic

  2. Hi Val,

    Kamusta na? Hope that you are feeling stronger.
    We're praying for your complete and speedy recovery.

    God bless,
    Raymond & Pinky

  3. Thanks, Vic! I can imagine the fun you had with your family. Please thank your group for me, too. I know I can count on your Friday group.

    Raymond and Pinky, I am feeling stronger. Thank you for your prayers!
