Tuesday, August 11, 2009

8/11/09 - Day 5 of Chemo

Another beautiful day! No side effects except constipation maybe from the lack of fiber in my diet and the beginnings of a sore throat. I've been gargling with hot salt and soda water to kill whatever bacteria may be growing in my throat.

Another day filled with love from relatives and friends who called and visited and texted and I'm sure there are more email messages that I had no time to read yet. I am truly blessed! My sister is coming over, and I am excited to see her!

Bonus blessing for the day: I got moved to a bigger room! My old room was already very nice, but the Filipino nurse in charge of assigning rooms asked if I would like to be moved to a bigger room. I asked if it also has a view, and it does! Yes, yes, and yes! There are only a couple of these corner rooms - they're bigger and quieter because it is farther from the nurse's station and there's only one room next to it. God is full of pleasant surprises!

I met the social worker in the hospital who gave me information about state disability program - I will get some money from the state for a year while being sick! That's great news! It is one of the advantages of living in California - not all states have it. It's not much, but I'll take it. I just hope it doesn't come as an IOU check just like our tax refund. :-)

The highlight of my day is again spending some time with my wonderful husband and 2 adorable girls. Every minute I can spend with them is a blessing. I have taken spending time with them for granted until the sickness made me realize that I don't really know how much time I have with them, and that I should treasure it everyday.

That's it for now. Please keep praying for me. Please pray that I will have zero side effects tomorrow and the next day, and that whatever remaining bad cells in my body will be totally wiped out. Thank you again and I love you all!


  1. Thanks for starting this blog, Val. It's great to read your updates. I can actually hear your voice in my head while I'm reading the words! haha! Will keep praying.


  2. Hi Val.
    This blog is really a good idea. I thank God for His blessings and for sending you encouragement at this time. I'm sure He stays with you all the time at the hospital.
    Just wanna share this verse with you today: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
    - Jing

  3. Hi Val! It's good to "hear" you as you go through this adventure. Yes, God has plans for us . . . to prosper us...give us hope and a future...if we seek Him with all our hearts. That's one of my favorite verses. Another is not one sparrow falls to the ground without your Father knowing it...and you are more than a sparrow!

    Yes, take courage... keep the faith... God will see you and your family through this.

    We will keep on praying for you.

    Love you... hugs hugs hugs


  4. Take care val. I'll keep praying. Talk later. Love and hugs

  5. Hi Val,
    I just heard the news early this morning. I had no idea what you and the family were going through.
    The blog that you created is a great outlet of communication for all your loved ones and friends to follow you on your journey, you are not alone. Much love, hugs and prayers are with you and your family.

    alex, velma and ella
