Monday, August 24, 2009

8/24/09 - Not so Good News

I got not so good news from the doctor today. They were studying the cells that they got from my biopsy, and found a cell that has turned abnormal. This is not a good sign. So, this puts me in the intermediate risk category. Meaning, I will have to weigh the pros and cons of having just chemotherapy or chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant.

Right now, we're just waiting for my blood count to come back up and for my condition to stabilize - chicken pox & fever. This may take another week or two. Then, I can go home (yey!) until the next round of chemo. While on discharge, I will have to meet with the bone marrow transplant doctor who will explain all its risks and benefits. I will also have to see my doctor for another biopsy to see if the new cells coming out are good. Then, there will be at least one more round of chemo, then bone marrow transplant or more chemo.

I was disappointed with the news. But then, it may be the better way. God knows what is best for me, so I will just have to follow His leading. Please pray that we will be able to make the right decision on whether to have a bone marrow transplant.

This is a long journey for us. Robert and I are getting tired already. Please pray for stamina for the two of us to weather the challenges we face everyday, and to keep our eyes focused on God.

Thanks again for all your prayers and God bless you.


  1. Val, thanks for the update. Remember that God's Spirit lives in you. It's the same Spirit Who raised Jesus from the dead. He will see you through. You have a never ending supply of strength.

    Psalm 34:4-7
    I sought the LORD, and he answered me;
    he delivered me from all my fears.
    Those who look to him are radiant;
    their faces are never covered with shame.
    This poor man called, and the LORD heard him;
    he saved him out of all his troubles.
    The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,and he delivers them.

  2. Philippians 4:6-7
    Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
